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Podcast Ep. 1 Justine McLean - Pricing - Get it right and make more money in your business

podcast pricing Mar 29, 2021
Justine McLean, a woman with long blond hair wearing glasses, a bright pink shirt and black jacket, holding a microphone in one hand, smiling at the camera on a bright pink background

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Want to know the best kept secret of successful business? It’s pricing! So, are you pricing your products and services and making the money that you and your business deserves? If the answer to that question is ‘no’, or it’s something you’d like to get better at, then join me as I talk through pricing 101. In this short, sharp episode, I’ll cover why you need to get it right and what you need to consider when you’re deciding on a price for your product or service. 

Knowing what to charge your customers can be one of the biggest blocks for business owners and it’s one of the most common concern my clients have. In my experience, it’s one of the main reasons businesses don't make the money they need to thrive. It’s time to stop earning less than you deserve - start charging what you’re worth and create the successful business you deserve.

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