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Podcast Ep. 54 Mel Browne – How to achieve financial success and why your money story matters.

business business finance course creation podcast May 15, 2022
Mel Browne, a woman with long dark hair, wearing a dark pink pants suit, sitting cross legged on a table, with a vase of flowers alongside, smiling at the camera

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Over the last eighteen months there's been a sea-change around personal finance, especially for women.

Perhaps it's in part thanks to the influence of the “Finfluencers”, but I'd like to think it's because we've decided to put on our big girl pants, become better educated around money and create our own independent and successful financial future.

Today's guest has been at the forefront of personal financial education for years, and her signature course, Financial Adulting Plan, has now generated more than one million dollars in sales. Definitely not a Finfluencer, ex-accountant and ex financial planner Mel Browne has been causing quite a storm of late with her sometimes controversial views around women and money. Today she's sharing her wisdom and her tips for achieving personal financial success on your terms. And for all of those business owners tuning in, we're also going to chat about understanding our money story and how that can impact the success or failure of your business. 

Oh, we also dive into online course creation and how to make it a success.

Want to avoid debt and learn how to get out of it? Tune into Mel's free webinar here.

Discover the secret the wealthy know about savings, cash in the bank and paying off your mortgage. Mel's running a free webinar here.

Join in on the next round of Financial Adulting Plan here. It's life changing! And here's some bits Mel prepared just for you!

Mel's super calculator is linked here.

Connect with Mel on Instagram or visit the website


This episode is brought to you by

Flossi Creative and Business Money Magnet 
Simple habits to manage your money and supercharge your profits.

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