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Podcast Ep. 39 Jen Bishop – Running A Successful Business When You've Got Kids

business mums in business podcast Jan 17, 2022
Jen Bishop, a woman with her blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing a long-sleeved white patterened shirt, standing at her kitchen counter

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Today's guest Jen Bishop is a power-house creator. A former journalist and magazine editor, Jen is the founder, publisher and owner of The Interiors Addict. She's also a mum of two and knows a thing or three about running a business with kids.

In this episode we talk about:

  • How to run a business with young children at home;
  • Creating a business from your passion;
  • Why women should stop apologising and start embracing being a ‘business-owning mum’;
  • How to use social media to grow and leverage your business;
  • The secret to hiring staff and getting support in your life and business; and so much more.

To receive regular inspiration from Jen, subscribe to her newsletter and you'll also receive a copy of Jen's ebook ‘What Made the Biggest Impact on Jen's Own Reno'.

Connect with Jen Bishop on Instagram here or visit her website.


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