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Podcast Ep. 33 Kirstie Clements – What did I buy that? Fashion mistakes, life lessons and a look into the world of high fashion

books podcast Nov 15, 2021
 Kirstie Clements, a woman with shoulder-length dark hair, wearing a white blouse and black jacket, in front of a window, smiling at the camera

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For the last two decades, Kirstie Clements has helped shape the publishing industry and the Australian fashion industry. Former Editor-in-chief of Vogue Australia, judge on Australia's Next Top Model, and bestselling author of The Vogue Factor, her latest book, Why did I buy That? Fashion mistakes, life lessons, takes us into the world of high-fashion and those fashion faux pas we'd all rather forget.

In this episode we dive into:

  • Kirstie’s 20 plus year career in publishing and fashion;
  • Does Devil Wears Prada ring true? What’s it really like working in magazines;
  • The highlight of Kirstie’s career and her greatest achievements;
  • The changing face of fashion and tips on classic trends;
  • The don’t buy fashion items; and
  • If you want a career in publishing or just want to pitch the editor, the best way to capture attention in an email pitch.
  • So, if you’ve ever asked yourself ‘Why did I buy that?’ you’ll love this today’s episode.

Kirstie's new book Why did I buy That? Fashion mistakes, life lessons is available now from all good booksellers. Connect with Kirstie on Instagram here or visit her website.


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