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Podcast Ep. 15 Kate Toon – How to create and launch a successful membership site, or two!

business memberships podcast Jul 14, 2021
Kate Toon, a woman with long bronw hair, holding a phone, sitting at a desk with coffee and a laptop, on a pink background

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Kate Toon is an award-winning misfit entrepreneur, who works with small businesses and big brands to transform their online presence: through powerful SEO, captivating content and all the right digital marketing moves.

Her StayTooned group of companies include the Digital MasterchefsThe Recipe for SEO Success and The Clever Copywriting School Through these, Kate's helped more than 10,000 other businesses demystify digital marketing, grapple the Google Beast, and grow their success.

An online business success story. A Google Beast tamer.  A straight-talking marketing coach, and a popular educator, speaker, author and podcaster, Kate's a misfit on a mission: to help other business humans create their own version of success.

With more than 20,000 people in her online communities, Kate's built a reputation as a business leader who is accessible, relatable and valuable: she's full of inspired insights and real world know-how.

Today on the podcast we're chatting all things memberships:

  • Successful Memberships sites – how to create them, manage and grow them;
  • The pillars of the membership site business model, and knowing if it’s right for your business;
  • Who should create a membership site;
  • Why understanding your customers is the key to success;
  • Why building trust, pricing and selling more to less customers is key;
  • How to price your membership site and your services;
  • How to get your membership engaged and asking questions.

We also talk about:

  • How eradicating the overthinking can help you get more done;
  • Passive income – how easy is it to create a passive income stream?
  • How to build loyalty by loving the people you have!

Want to know more about Kate and her Tooniverse –start here.


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Flossi Creative and Business Money Magnet 
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