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Podcast Ep. 108 Justine McLean - How to start the new financial year off right!

business business finance podcast Jul 11, 2023
Justine McLean, a woman with long blond hair tied behind, wearing glasses, a dark pink shirt, and a black jacket, smiling, with arms open wide, on a pale blue background

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Imagine walking into the new financial year with a clear, confident vision for your business, armed with insights from your past performance. How would it feel to have a robust strategy, backed by realistic goals, and a strong understanding of your financial compliance obligations? That's exactly what I'm promising you as we dive into this episode, where we'll deep-dive into reviewing your previous year and setting robust objectives that align with your business' financial health.

Now, I know money talk can be daunting, but trust me, it needn't be. Whether it's 'Money Monday' or 'Finance Friday', we'll carve out an hour each week to focus on the numbers that count. Social media followers, mailing list members, customer retention rate, bank balance, and sales figures are just a few of the metrics we'll keep a close eye on. And don't worry about compliance, because we'll also navigate through those tricky waters, so you know exactly when and how to meet your obligations. If need be, I'll guide you on how you can outsource to a professional. So, gear up as we set up the financial foundations of your business for a successful year ahead.

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